The advanced training courses at the Philipp Pfaff Institute can be funded via the Upgrading BAföG.
The funding of upgrading training courses under the Upgrading Training Assistance Act (AFBG), the so-called “Aufstiegs-BAföG”, has recently required the provider of the measure to apply a quality assurance system.
This criterion is fully met with the ISO certification of the Philipp Pfaff Institute, so that all eligible course participants have the opportunity to apply for Aufstiegs-BAföG for upgrading training at the Philipp Pfaff Institute.

The following forms are required for a successful application:
- Form A: “Application for funding for advanced vocational training”
You fill in this form yourself with all your personal details.
- Form B: “Certificate of attendance at a training center / participation in a distance learning course / media-supported course”
We will fill out this form for you on request.
Please contact us at
The completed documents will then be sent to you by post.
- Form Z: “Confirmation of the admission requirements”
Please send this form together with our invoice to the dental association responsible for your place of residence. Only this association is authorized to certify that you meet the admission requirements, as we as an institute are not the examining body.
For participants from Berlin (and outside Berlin/Brandenburg) please send a letter to:
Zahnärztekammer Berlin
attn. Attn. Ms. Kollien
Stallstr. 1
10585 Berlin
For participants from Brandenburg by post to:
Landeszahnärztekammer Brandenburg
Referat ZFA
Postfach 100722
03007 Cottbus
You can download all forms from the following website:
As soon as you have all three forms again, send them together to the office responsible for your place of residence.
Please refer to Form B, line 4 for the correct office: “Authority to which the application for advancement funding under the AFBG is submitted […]”.
During the course, you will be asked by the office to submit form F (“certificate of attendance”), which certifies your attendance times during the course period. This will be issued by us.
Please direct all inquiries relating to the Upgrading BAföG (Form B, Form F, general inquiries) exclusively to
You can find more information on the Aufstiegs-BAföG at