Since 1995, there has been a budget in the budget of the Chamber of Dentists for Berlin Chamber members to be able to take advantage of further training courses at the Philipp Pfaff Institute at reduced fees. Eligible persons are unemployed colleagues and colleagues on parental leave as well as assistants in the preparatory and further training period (= applicants).
A reduced fee can be claimed twice per person and year. Funding must be applied for in advance in writing to the Berlin Chamber of Dentists, stating the course number, date/period of the further training, and with appropriate supporting documents.
The applicant registers for the desired course at the Philipp Pfaff Institute in good time. For the time being, the participant must pay the entire course fee himself/herself. After completion of the further training and presentation of the registration confirmation, invoice from the institute, final confirmation of participation as well as a copy of the payment receipt from the applicant (= account holder), the Dental Association transfers the pre-approved amount to the applicant’s account. The subsidy can only be paid in person.
The funding amounts to a maximum of € 250 per person and year. If the annual budget is exhausted when the application is submitted, there is no further entitlement to the grant.
Category A:
Unemployed persons and colleagues on parental leave receive a subsidy of up to 75% of the course fee, provided there is no secondary employment. A corresponding declaration on the part of the applicant must be submitted with the application for the subsidy period. In the case of secondary employment of up to 10 hours/week, a subsidy of up to 50% is granted. Proof of unemployment or parental leave for the period of the subsidy must be enclosed with the application.
Category B:
Assistants in the preparatory or further training period receive a subsidy of up to 50% on the course fee. Further training assistants with secondary employment who are in half-day further training receive a subsidy of max. 125,- € per person and year on the course fee. The application must be accompanied by the current assistant’s permit from the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Dentists for the period of the subsidy.
The informal application with all the above-mentioned proofs must be sent in advance to the Department of Continuing Dental Education of the Berlin Dental Association, Stallstraße 1, 10585 Berlin.
further information
For more information, please also read the PDF (MBZ 09/2018).

With this funding programme, the ILB, on behalf of the MASGF, pursues the goal of supporting the maintenance and improvement of employability as well as the stabilisation and perspective creation of jobs, especially in small and medium-sized enterprises in the state of Brandenburg.
Examples of eligible courses for dentists at the Philipp Pfaff Institute
Eligible courses at the Pfaff Institute are, for example, the curricula and the structured training courses. You can find out more about the courses by clicking on the respective headings.
The curriculum is designed to provide participants with an overview of the fundamentals and current state of endodontology. It will help them to develop their own scientifically based and biologically oriented therapy concept. A variety of instruments, techniques and materials will be presented as well as critically discussed in order to provide the participants with guidelines for evaluation and selection. Participants will be enabled to assess the degree of difficulty of even complex cases, to recognize potential problems in time, to avoid them if possible, but to manage them adequately when they occur, and to gradually expand their treatment spectrum. At the same time, the ability to present and (self-)critically discuss clinical cases with colleagues will be trained.
Whereas 20 years ago our patients were generally satisfied with gold or amalgam, the demands of patients have increased with the technical possibilities. Ästhetische Zahnmedizin ist jedoch nicht gleich Zähne bleichen und Veneers kleben, sondern es handelt sich vielmehr um ein gemeinsames Ganzes unterschiedlicher Sparten wie Zahnerhaltung, Prothetik, Parodontologie, Implantologie und Kieferorthopädie. Das Curriculum versucht dies im Sinne des Patientenwohls zu reflektieren.
Periodontal issues are becoming increasingly important in dentistry. Angesichts der hohen Prävalenz der Parodontalerkrankungen in der deutschen Bevölkerung und ihren möglichen systemischen Auswirkungen besteht ein großer Behandlungsbedarf. Das Curriculum soll den Teilnehmern einen Überblick über die Grundlagen und den aktuellen Stand in der Parodontologie – sowohl in der Theorie als auch anhand von praktischen Übungen – vermitteln und ihnen so die adäquate Diagnostik und Betreuung parodontal erkrankter Patienten in ihrer Praxis ermöglichen. Abrechnungshinweise sowie Falldarstellungen runden das Curriculum ab.
Examples of eligible courses for practice staff at the Philipp Pfaff Institute
After completing their training as a dental assistant, graduates have numerous interesting opportunities for advancement and development. Which direction you choose depends primarily on your own strengths and interests, but can also be based on your practice needs. You can find more details on the offers by clicking on the respective headings.
Upgrading training courses are eligible for funding if funding under the Upgrading Training Assistance Act – AFBG (Aufstiegs- BAföG) is demonstrably excluded.
Examples of eligible courses for practice staff at the Philipp Pfaff Institute
After completing their training as a dental assistant, graduates have numerous interesting opportunities for advancement and development. Which direction you choose depends primarily on your own strengths and interests, but can also be based on your practice needs. You can find more details on the offers by clicking on the respective headings.
Upgrading training courses are eligible for funding if funding under the Upgrading Training Assistance Act – AFBG (Aufstiegs- BAföG) is demonstrably excluded.
This advanced training is suitable for dental hygienists who like to work directly with patients in a prevention-oriented manner. After completing the advanced training to become a dental prophylaxis assistant, the ZMP has the ability to organise and carry out comprehensive individual prophylaxis in all age groups, including professional tooth cleaning.
The ZMV advanced training is intended to enable ZFA/ZAH to specialise in the areas of practice organisation and communication and thus enable you to meet the increased administrative and service-oriented requirements of a modern and patient-oriented dental practice.
Particularly committed and motivated dental hygienists take on a new professional challenge after some time (at least 1 year of professional experience) and strive for an even higher professional qualification as a dental hygienist. The tasks of a DH include non-surgical periodontal therapy, i.e. the treatment of the “widespread disease” periodontitis.
On the one hand, this advanced training is interesting for those who have already graduated as a dental hygienist and would like to take their qualification to the next level. On the other hand, dental assistants who are new to the profession can take the direct route to becoming an FZP. New are the advanced FZP modules, which are based on the ZMV training programme and enable graduation as a specialist.
After many years of working as a dental hygienist, more and more dental prophylaxis assistants are taking advantage of the opportunity to integrate the administrative area into their everyday professional life with the ZMV advanced training. Aussicht auf eine weitere berufliche Qualifikation fördert sicherlich auch die Praxisbindung und damit eine Kontinuität in der Zusammensetzung des Teams. Diese Möglichkeit wollen wir im Philipp-Pfaff-Institut unterstützen und bieten den Interessenten/innen eine weitere Möglichkeit der Aufstiegsfortbildung an.
further information
For more information, forms and application procedures, please visit the ILB page.