Curriculum Endodontics (2022/2023)

The course part “Billing of endodontic services” is also transmitted online. Your dental hygienist has the opportunity to participate in this part of the course free of charge.

Participation in individual modules on request.

The curriculum is designed to provide participants with an overview of the fundamentals and current state of endodontology. Es wird ihnen dabei helfen, ein eigenes, wissenschaftlich fundiertes und biologisch orientiertes Therapiekonzept zu entwickeln. Es werden eine Vielzahl von Instrumenten, Techniken und Materialien vorgestellt sowie kritisch diskutiert, um den Teilnehmern Leitlinien zur Bewertung und Auswahl an die Hand zu geben. Die Teilnehmer sollen in die Lage versetzt werden, den Schwierigkeitsgrad auch komplexer Fälle einzuschätzen, potentielle Probleme rechtzeitig zu erkennen, nach Möglichkeit zu vermeiden, bei Eintritt aber adäquat zu managen sowie ihr Behandlungsspektrum schrittweise auszuweiten. Zugleich soll die Fähigkeit zur Vorstellung und (selbst-)kritischen kollegialen Diskussion klinischer Fälle geschult werden. Der Kursteil endodontologische Abrechnung wird auch Live gestreamt, so dass Ihre ZMV die Möglichkeit der kostenfreien Teilnahme erhält.

Introduction to the Curriculum (Univ.-Prof. Hülsmann, Univ.-Prof. Schäfer)

  • Basics of endodontics
  • Goals, concepts, guidelines of endodontics
  • Pathology of the pulp and apical periodontium
  • Systemic aspects of endodontics
  • Leave in place or remove existing restorations?
  • Preparation of the tooth: build-up filling and rubber dam
  • Anatomy of the teeth and preparation of the access cavities
  • Use of Gates-Glidden drills and ultrasonic systems
  • Locating additional duct systems
  • Identification and visualisation of mb2 on maxillary molars
  • How do I create a case presentation?

Practical exercises:

  • Preparation of the access cavity under the dental microscope
  • Representation of the mb2 at the maxillary molar

Manual preparation (Univ.-Prof. Schäfer)
Diagnostics and differential diagnostics, differential therapy, vital maintenance of the pulp: indication, techniques and prognosis, pain management, determination of working length, principles of preparation, instrumentation (manual root canal instruments), endobox, sterilisation, manual preparation techniques, problems of preparation.

Mechanical preparation with NiTi instruments (Univ.-Prof. Hülsmann, Univ.-Prof. Attin)

  • Requirements for preparation techniques and systems: cleaning effect, shaping, occupational safety
  • Differences in the design of NiTi instruments
  • Differences in the design of NiTi instruments
  • Systematics and advantages of the crown-down technique
  • Standard and single length technology
  • Instrument fractures: incidence, causes and prevention
  • Importance of torque control to minimise breakage
  • How good is NiTi preparation: cleaning effect, shaping, work safety, time saving, clinical success rate? A look at the literature
  • Disinfection of the root canal system
  • Requirements for disinfection in endodontics – current concepts
  • New tools for rinsing (RinsEndo, EndoActiator, RoekoBrush, etc.)
  • Laser, ozone and photodynamic disinfection
  • The passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI)
  • Interactions between rinsing solutions and rinsing incidents
  • The medicinal insert: When, why and with what?
  • Single or multiple root canal treatment

Practical exercises:

  • Mechanical preparation with various NiTi systems (FlexMaster, ProTaper, Mtwo…) and for ultrasonic rinsing

Root canal filling (PD Dr. Bitter, Dr. Wolf-Yamamura)

  • Filling materials: composition and properties
  • Gutta-percha
  • Sealer
  • Pen systems
  • Resilon warm and cold filling techniques
  • Pencil techniques
  • Problems of the WKF
  • Prerequisites for obturation
  • Time of obturation
  • Preparations for obturation
  • Step-by-Step: Lateral Condensation
  • warm vertical condensation
  • Obturation problems and their management
  • Advantages and disadvantages of different filling techniques

Practical exercises:

  • lateral and vertical condensation under the dental microscope

Dental trauma: consider biology, restore esthetics (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Krastl)
Focus on modern biologically oriented, evidence-based traumatology on the promotion of wound healing processes. Cell physiological storage media, tetracyclines, steroids, enamel matrix proteins, biocompatible as well as biomimetic materials are individual pieces of the puzzle that complement each other to form new therapy concepts and, in complex cases, decide whether teeth are retained or lost. In children, it is important to avoid negative effects on jaw growth and to take into account the still high life expectancy of the patients.

  • Primary care: What materials do I need in the practice?
  • Therapy after tooth fracture: bonding the fragment, composite or all-ceramic?
  • Crown fractures with root involvement: Crown lengthening, extrusion, or intentional replantation?
  • Root transverse fracture: Why such teeth can usually be preserved in the long term without any problems?
  • Influencing healing processes in dislocation injuries: Emdogain, cortisone, or tetracycline?
  • Endo in wide open apex: what can MTA do, how is it used?
  • Managing late effects after trauma: are there even “hopeless” cases?
  • Dealing with resorptions due to infection: Which insert?
  • Dealing with ankylosed teeth
  • Traumatic tooth discoloration: How and with what to bleach?

Billing of endodontic services (ZMV Parlak)

  • When BEMA – when GOZ?
  • GKV treatment guidelines: What should be considered?
  • Prohibition of co-payments in the SHI system
  • Non-contractual services, calculation of materials, case studies.

This part of the course will be broadcast online, so that your dental hygienist will also have the opportunity to participate free of charge.

Apical surgery (Dr Petschler)
Indications and contraindications, case selection and diagnostics, criteria for success, anaesthesia, flap design: techniques, advantages and disadvantages of different designs, technique of retrograde preparation, use of ultrasound, techniques and materials for retrograde obturation (MTA), suture techniques and materials, problems and prognosis of apical surgical measures.
Practical exercises under the dental microscope for retrograde ultrasound preparation and handling of the different closure materials.

Revisions (Univ.-Prof. Hülsmann)
Frequency and causes of endodontic failure, indication and decision aids: no therapy/revision/WSR/extraction? Special germ flora in endod. Failures, concepts and techniques, removal of posts and post abutments, removal of: Gutta-percha, silver posts, paste fillings, cement fillings, fractured instruments, disinfection protocol in endodontic failures, problem management, prognosis. Disinfection protocol for endodontic failures, problem management, prognosis/success rates depending on different prerequisites, bleaching of endodontically treated teeth.

Practical exercises:

  • Revision of the root fillings of the previous module with manual and mechanical techniques.

Case presentations and collegial final discussion (Univ.-Prof. Hülsmann)

Handing over of the certificates

Please collect for the practical exercises:

  • Extracted teeth in larger numbers (especially molars)
  • with intact root tips
  • if possible with moderate and difficult root curvature

How to prepare the teeth will be announced to you in time.

Topic: Introduction to the curriculum

Speakers: Univ.-Prof. Hülsmann, Univ.-Prof. Schäfer

Course dates: Fri 04.11.2022 from 14:00 – 19:00 h and Sat 05.11.2022 from 09:00 – 17:00 h

Please bring:

  • Protective or magnifying glasses
  • Diamond cutter and rose drill
  • Reprocessing instruments Reamer ISO 08 + 010
  • Reprocessing instruments Hedström files ISO 15-40
  • Gates Glidden Drill
  • If available: Micro opener
  • Extracted teeth OK/UK molars and/or anterior teeth plastered in place

Extracted teeth in larger numbers, especially maxillary and mandibular molars (6-8 each), but also anterior teeth and premolars must be brought. The teeth must have intact root tips and in some cases should also have moderate and difficult curvatures. Please x-ray the teeth before the course (and before plastering). If teeth are plastered, please measure beforehand by holding an instrument. Extensive fillings and crowns should already be removed, as the focus of the exercises is on finding and showing the canal entrances.
The teeth may be plastered, but this is not absolutely necessary.
Ideally, the teeth are embedded so that the root tips are exposed and can be inspected (when plastering, coat root tips with wax, which can then be removed again).

ATTENTION: The teeth are also needed for the following course days for preparation and filling! Please keep them moist throughout!

Please collect already root canal filled extracted teeth for the course part “Revisions”.
A tooth with a metal pin should also be collected or prepared for this course day (pin removal exercises).

Reachability on the day of the course: 0176 46545215

Venue: Springer Nature Verlagshaus/Side Entrance (SPR/Springer Seminar, Phantom Room).
Johannisberger Str. 74, 14197 Berlin, Tel. 030 414725-26

Arrival by subway and suburban train
Take the U3 subway line or the S-Bahn lines S41, S42 (Ringbahn) and S46 to Heidelberger Platz station. You then walk in the direction of Heidelberger Platz and turn into the street Heidelberger Platz. You turn right at Heidelberger Platz.
You pass the main entrance of Springer Verlagshaus and then turn left into Johannisberger Straße. You will find the side entrance of the “Springer Nature Verlagsgebäude” after about 100 m on the left side.

Route planner Google Maps (external link) | Route planner OpenStreetMap (external link)

Topic: Manual preparation

Speakers: Univ.-Prof. Schäfer

Course dates: Fri 13.01.2023 from 14:00 – 19:00 and Sat 14.01.2023 from 09:00 – 17:00

Please bring:

  • Protective or magnifying glasses
  • Trephined molars without root canal filling
  • Hand instruments: Reamer or K-files and Hedström files each in sizes 15-45
  • Measuring/adjustment aid for marking the length of the instruments

Reachability on the day of the course: 0176 46545215

Venue: Springer Nature Verlagshaus/Side Entrance (SPR/Springer Seminar, Phantom Room).
Johannisberger Str. 74, 14197 Berlin, Tel. 030 414725-26

Arrival by subway and suburban train
Take the U3 subway line or the S-Bahn lines S41, S42 (Ringbahn) and S46 to Heidelberger Platz station. You then walk in the direction of Heidelberger Platz and turn into the street Heidelberger Platz. You turn right at Heidelberger Platz.
You pass the main entrance of Springer Verlagshaus and then turn left into Johannisberger Straße. You will find the side entrance of the “Springer Nature Verlagsgebäude” after about 100 m on the left side.

Route planner Google Maps (external link) | Route planner OpenStreetMap (external link)

Topic: Mechanical preparation with NiTi instruments

Speakers: Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. dent. Michael Hülsmann and Univ.-Prof. Dr. med dent. Thomas Attin

Course dates: Fri 03.03.23, 14:00 – 19:00 h and Sat 04.03.23, 09:00 – 17:00 h

Please bring:

  • Protective or magnifying glasses
  • As many (at least 5-6) already trepanated teeth as possible (e.g. teeth from module access cavity), ideally with differently curved root canals. There are usually 8 or more NiTi systems available for preparation! The trepanation should be designed in such a way that straight-line access to the root canal entrances is possible, an X-ray and a target image (length determination) should be available. It should already be ensured that the working length can be achieved and that there are no blockages.
  • 1 set of hand instruments
  • Paper tips
  • Gutta-percha pencils (size 30 and 35)
  • Adjustment aid for setting the length of the instruments
  • Diamond grinder for possible correction of the trephination opening

Reachability on the day of the course: 0176 46545215

Venue: Springer Nature Verlagshaus/Side Entrance (SPR/Springer Seminar, Phantom Room).
Johannisberger Str. 74, 14197 Berlin, Tel. 030 414725-26

Arrival by subway and suburban train
Take the U3 subway line or the S-Bahn lines S41, S42 (Ringbahn) and S46 to Heidelberger Platz station. You then walk in the direction of Heidelberger Platz and turn into the street Heidelberger Platz. You turn right at Heidelberger Platz.
You pass the main entrance of Springer Verlagshaus and then turn left into Johannisberger Straße. You will find the side entrance of the “Springer Nature Verlagsgebäude” after about 100 m on the left side.

Route planner Google Maps (external link) | Route planner OpenStreetMap (external link)

Topic: Root canal filling

Speakers: OÄ PD Dr. med. dent. Kerstin Bitter and Dr. med. dent. Olivia Wolf-Yamamura

Course dates: Fri 05.05.23, 14:00 – 19:00 and Sat 06.05.23, 09:00 – 17:00

Please bring:

  • Protective or magnifying glasses
  • please bring the prepared teeth from the previous modules as well as the worksheet on which you noted down the preparation sizes, lengths and systems in part 3

Preparations for root filling techniques:

  • carrier-based root canal filling technique (bring already Friday)
  • 2-4 machine-prepared root canals (at least 1 curved) with known working length and apical iso-size (MAF).
  • warm vertical compaction (Saturday)
  • 2-4 molars (or at least 1 molar + replacement canals of similar number) machine prepared from (≥) .06 taper with known working length and apical iso size (MAF).
  • 1 – 2 machined channels are required for calcium silicate based sealers

Reachability on the day of the course: 0176 46545215

Venue: Springer Nature Verlagshaus/Side Entrance (SPR/Springer Seminar, Phantom Room).
Johannisberger Str. 74, 14197 Berlin, Tel. 030 414725-26

Arrival by subway and suburban train
Take the U3 subway line or the S-Bahn lines S41, S42 (Ringbahn) and S46 to Heidelberger Platz station. You then walk in the direction of Heidelberger Platz and turn into the street Heidelberger Platz. You turn right at Heidelberger Platz.
You pass the main entrance of Springer Verlagshaus and then turn left into Johannisberger Straße. You will find the side entrance of the “Springer Nature Verlagsgebäude” after about 100 m on the left side.

Route planner Google Maps (external link) | Route planner OpenStreetMap (external link)

Topic: Dental trauma: consider biology, restore esthetics

Speaker: Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. dent. Gabriel Krastl

Course dates: Fri 09.06.23, 14:00 – 19:00 h and Sat 10.06.23, 09:00 – 17:00 h

This is a purely theoretical module, no materials need to be brought.

Reachability on the day of the course: 0176 46545215

Venue: SANA Hotel, Nürnberger Str. 33/34, 10777 Berlin

Route planner Google Maps (external link) | Route planner OpenStreetMap (external link)

Topics: Billing for endodontic services / Apical surgery.

Speakers: ZMV Emine Parlak and Dr. med. dent. Michael Petschler

Course dates: Fri 07.07.23, 14:00 – 19:00 h and Sat 08.07.23, 09:00 – 17:00 h

Please bring (Saturday only):

  • Protective or magnifying glasses
  • Ball milling for handpiece
  • Scalpel blade holder
  • Raspatory narrow and wide
  • Surg. Tweezers
  • chir. Scissors
  • Needle holder
  • 2-3 teeth with WF in the plaster block (see sketch)

Reachability on the day of the course: 0176 46545215

Venue Friday: takes place as an online live seminar. The access data will be provided shortly before the course starts.

The course part “Billing of endodontic services” on Friday will take place online. Your dental hygienist has the option of attending this part of the course free of charge. Please note, however, that we cannot administer or certify this.

Venue Saturday: Springer Nature Verlagshaus/Side Entrance (SPR/Springer Seminar, Phantom Room)
Johannisberger Str. 74, 14197 Berlin, Tel. 030 414725-26

Arrival by subway and suburban train
Take the U3 subway line or the S-Bahn lines S41, S42 (Ringbahn) and S46 to Heidelberger Platz station. You then walk in the direction of Heidelberger Platz and turn into the street Heidelberger Platz. You turn right at Heidelberger Platz.
You pass the main entrance of Springer Verlagshaus and then turn left into Johannisberger Straße. You will find the side entrance of the “Springer Nature Verlagsgebäude” after about 100 m on the left side.

Route planner Google Maps (external link) | Route planner OpenStreetMap (external link)

Topics: Revisions, collegial final discussion.

Speaker: Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. dent. Michael Hülsmann

Course dates: Fri 25.08.23, 09:00 – 18:00 and Sat 26.08.23, 09:00 – 17:00

Please bring (Friday only):

  • Protective or magnifying glasses
  • Diamonds for Re-Trepanation
  • Gates Glidden Drill Size 1-4
  • Overlong rose borer
  • Root canal instruments:
  • Hedström files ISO 15-45
  • K files ISO 15-45
  • If available: FlexMaster instruments made of NiTi module
  • Length measuring block
  • Embedded teeth with root canal filling (from module 4)!
  • If possible, 1 tooth with a cemented metal post (cannot be provided) for practical exercises. Exercises for post removal with ultrasound

Please bring (Saturday only):

  • Your 2nd case presentation as a Power Point version on a USB stick

Reachability on the day of the course: 0176 46545215

Venue on Friday: Springer Nature Verlagshaus/Side Entrance (SPR/Springer Seminar, Phantom Room).
Johannisberger Str. 74, 14197 Berlin, Tel. 030 414725-26

Arrival by subway and suburban train
Take the U3 subway line or the S-Bahn lines S41, S42 (Ringbahn) and S46 to Heidelberger Platz station. You then walk in the direction of Heidelberger Platz and turn into the street Heidelberger Platz. You turn right at Heidelberger Platz.
You pass the main entrance of Springer Verlagshaus and then turn left into Johannisberger Straße. You will find the side entrance of the “Springer Nature Verlagsgebäude” after about 100 m on the left side.

Route planner Google Maps (external link) | Route planner OpenStreetMap (external link)

Venue on Saturday: DoubleTree by Hilton Berlin Ku’damm
Los-Angeles-Platz 1, 10789 Berlin

Route planner Google Maps (external link)

Course dates

Introduction to the curriculum
Fri 04.11.22, 14:00 – 19:00
Sat 05.11.22, 09:00 – 17:00

Manual preparation
Fri 13/01/2013, 14:00 – 19:00
Sat 14.01.23, 09:00 – 17:00

Mechanical preparation with NiTi instruments
Fri 03/03/2013, 14:00 – 19:00
Sat 04.03.23, 09:00 – 17:00

Root canal filling
Fri 05.05.23, 14:00 – 19:00
Sat 06.05.23, 09:00 – 17:00

Dental trauma: consider biology, restore esthetics
Fri 09.06.23, 14:00 – 19:00
Sat 10.06.23, 09:00 – 17:00

Billing for endodontic services
Fri 07/07/2013, 14:00 – 19:00

Apical surgery
Sat 08/07/2013, 09:00 – 17:00

Revisions, collegial final discussion
Fri 25/08/2013, 09:00 – 18:00
Sat 26/08/2013, 09:00 – 17:00

Course details

Seminar: FOBI-CF-Endo
Course: 2202
Target group: ZA
Points: 114+15
Course fee: 4.990,- €
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Hülsmann
Speakers: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Attin; OÄ PD Dr. Kerstin Bitter; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Hülsmann; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gabriel Krastl; ZMV Emine Parlak; Dr. Michael Petschler; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Edgar Schäfer; Dr. Olivia Wolf-Yamamura