2. Zahnmedizinischer Verwaltungskongress
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Refresher 2025 für Dentalhygieniker/innen
Großer Berliner Zahntrauma-Tag
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Prophylaxis and professional teeth cleaning for patients

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Quality for more than 30 years

The Philipp Pfaff Institute is the continuing education institution of the Berlin Dental Association and the Brandenburg State Dental Association.

large course offering

from all specialties

Upgrading training courses


Curricular training

with renowned speakers

modern premises

with dental simulation units

About us


Participants per year


Trainings per year


dental simulation units


Dental microscopes

Structured training and curricula

The trend towards curricular training is reflected in many offers of the chamber-supported training institutions and those of the professional organisations.

The Philipp Pfaff Institute, the continuing education institution of the Berlin and Brandenburg state dental chambers, is also responding to the increasing demand and is continuously expanding the main topics of the structured continuing education courses and curricula.

Curriculum Aesthetic Dentistry

Whereas 20 years ago our patients were generally satisfied with gold or amalgam, the demands of patients have increased with the technical possibilities.

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Curriculum CMD interdisciplinary – Holistic functional diagnostics and therapy

The basis of this curriculum is anatomy and craniomandibular function to understand craniomandibular dysfunction.

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Curriculum Endodontics

The curriculum is designed to provide participants with an overview of the fundamentals and current state of endodontology.

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Curriculum for Hypnosis and Communication in Dentistry

Despite known tricks and techniques, it happens that dental anxiety of children and adults, difficult patients or team problems, bring stress into our daily practice.

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Curriculum Paediatric and Adolescent Dentistry

The curriculum is aimed at all those who want to refresh and expand their knowledge in paediatric dentistry.

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Implantology curriculum

Participants can expect a compact, independent, practical and up-to-date curriculum.

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Curriculum Oral Surgery

A new oral surgery curriculum was launched at the Pfaff Institute in 2023.

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Curriculum Periodontology

Periodontal issues are becoming increasingly important in dentistry.

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Curriculum Senior Dentistry

With a gentle introduction to dental care for the heterogeneous group of seniors, the curriculum is designed to enable dentists to open up to this patient group.

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Curriculum General Dentistry

We have planned a new General Dentistry curriculum for 2024. You can expect a wide variety of topics with renowned speakers on all aspects of dentistry.

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Structured training: Functional analysis and therapy for daily practice

In the course series “Functional analysis and therapy for daily practice”, a contemporary treatment concept of dental functional theory is presented. 

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Structured continuing education: Acupuncture for dentists

The aim is to teach the participants the basics and the current state of knowledge – in a practical way with live treatments involving the course participants.

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Structured continuing education: Dental surgery

In everyday practice, dental surgery presents dentists with challenges time and again.

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Structured Continuing Education: Functional Myodiagnostics (FMD)

Functional myodiagnostics (FMD) is a primary diagnostic method that tests the adaptive capacity of muscles in the context of targeted test stimuli. .

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  • Klasse Fortbildung, Hygiene einfach - einfach Hygiene. Tolle Referentin!!!!

    Nicole Grow

    Alles in Ordnung bei der professionellen Zahnreinigung. In einer niedergelassenen Praxis hatte ich schon mal weit über 100 € zahlen "dürfen", und da war die Zahnreinigung auch nicht besser gewesen. Das einzige, was einem im Pfaff-Institut stören könnte, ist der Behandlungssaal. Ist eben Massenabfertigung. Das wiederum ist mir lieber als eine schicke Dentalpraxis, bei der ich für das Inventar blechen muss.

    Ferdinand der Schnelle

    Es war sehr schön. Die Mitarbeiter waren sehr höflich und haben einen tollen Job gemacht. Danke:)

    Sibel Buyukhan
  • Alles ging reibungslos und unkompliziert

    Iftikar P.


    Fred van Kersbergen

    Hier nimmt man sich noch Zeit für den Patienten! Professionelle und kostengünstige Behandlung!

    christian nowak
  • Ich fühlte mich dort sehr gut aufgehoben. Jeder Arbeitsschritt wurde genau erklärt. Und es wurde auch darauf hingewiesen dass jederzeit eine kleine Pause eingelegt werden könne, wenn man es wünscht. Denn die Behandlung dauerte ca. 90 min. Alle waren sehr freundlich und sind gut auf die Patienten eingegangen. Und der Preis von 58,- € ist auch super! Ich werde wiederkommen.

    Uschi M.

    Sehr gut.

    Klaus-Dieter Ranzinger

    Einfach Top!

    Ulrike Zinn
  • Wer eine super gründliche und noch dazu sehr günstige Zahnreinigung möchte, dem sei das Phillipp-Pfaff-Institut ans Herz gelegt. Die Behandlung wird von zukünftigen Prophylaxe Experten, die sich noch in Ausbildung befinden, durchgeführt. Alles unter Aufsicht eines Zahnarztes.

    Sigrid Dockhorn

    Sehr nettes und engagiertes Team.

    Enrico Wasser

    Immer wieder erstklassige Veranstaltungen und Angebote! Danke

    Karmen Jurela

Continuing education catalog (edition for dentists and staff)

Complete edition

You can also look up our extensive training program in 2024 in our catalog (complete edition for dentists).

As in previous years, a publication of our training catalog is planned for early November.

In addition to the print edition, the catalog is available as a PDF download. Please click on the corresponding catalog image.

Would you like to receive the print edition? Then order > here your free catalog!

Please inform us promptly if you would like to place your company advertisement in the 2025 catalog (please send an e-mail to

Output for employees

New dates that are not included in the catalog and changes to course dates can be found here: Catalog updates

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